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Selected Group Exhibitions

2014 - Present


Carlow Arts Festival and VISUAL

23 July - 18 October 2020


This year’s ARTWORKS considers climate change and how we care for our planet.

Selected Artists: Chloe Brenan, Amber Broughton, Nuala Clarke, Helena Gorey, Paul Hallahan, Ramon Kassam, Vera Klute, Ruth Le Gear in collaboration with Kaitlin Bryson, Christine Mackey, Jonathan Mayhew, Stefana McClure, Siobhan McDonald, Sorca O'Farrell, Kiera O'Toole, Magnhild Opdøl, Helen Robbins, Ciara Roche, Emma Roche, Bernadette Tuite, Shipsides and Beggs Projects and Lee Welch.


Photography by Ros Kavanagh

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Wexford Arts Center 

21 October – 25 November 2019


2116 : Forecast For the Next Century

Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork in Ireland & Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, MI, USA

March 2016 - March 2017.

Curated by Chris Clarke; Caitlín Doherty, and Emma-Lucy O’Brien,



Amanda Coogan, Maud Cotter, Gary Coyle, Eleanor Duffin, Damien Flood, Siobhán Hapaska, Ramon Kassam, Sam Keogh, Ruth Lyons, Eoin McHugh, Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, Mairead O’hEocha, Niamh O’Malley, Darn Thorn, Lee Welch, and the Centre for Genomic Gastronomy.


2116 has been organised in collaboration with the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University, MI, USA, and Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork in Ireland.

2116 is a forecast of the next century. It explores our predictions and projections of an increasingly globalised and technology-driven world, and asks how Ireland will look from both within the country and from outside. From our contemporary vantage point, halfway between the origins of Irish independence in 1916 and an unknown, imagined future, how do visual artists see the next 100 years?

The exhibition 2116: Forecast of the next century features 16 Irish artists whose works present a vision of our changing society, the technological advances, progress and decline that will shape the coming century. Taking place one hundred years after the Easter Rising, 2116 is a platform for what is rising now and a way for Ireland in all its definitions to begin to imagine what lies ahead.

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Curated by Bassam El Baroni, EVA 2014 was titled AGITATIONISM. The exhibition sought to “grasp the sense of living under agitation while capturing how we are slowly adapting to a different perception of the world by working through our relationships with capitalism, historical ideologies, the notion of justice, the post-colonial, nonhuman beings, technology, and speculations about the future” [taken from Bassam El Baroni’s introduction to the 2014 catalogue].



Bisan Abu-Eisheh, Doa Aly, Kjersti G. Andvig, Martí Anson, Amanda Beech, Ann Böttcher, Jenny Brady, Benjamin de Búrca & Barbara Wagner, +billion-, Luis Camnitzer, Chimurenga, Jacqueline Doyen, Tom Flanagan & Megs Morley, Zachary Formwalt, GRRRR, Nilbar GüreÅŸ, Rana Hamadeh, Siobhán Hapaska, Nicoline van Harskamp, Cécile Hartmann, Malak Helmy, David Horvitz, Luis Jacob, Jeffrey Charles Henry Peacock, Ramon Kassam, Patrick Jolley, Hassan Khan, Per-Oskar Leu, Alon Levin, SofieLoscher, Mona Marzouk, Pauline M'barek, Asier Mendizabal, Metahaven,Nastio Mosquito, Catalina Niculescu, Seamus Nolan, Mark O'Kelly, Uriel Orlow, Neša Paripović, Michael Patterson-Carver, Garrett Phelan, Elizabeth Price, Raqs Media Collective + Iswanto Hartono, Eva Richardson McCrea, Walid Sadek, Miri Segal, Ann-Sofi Sidén, Praneet Soi, Paul Tarpey, Stefanos Tsivopoulos, Humberto Vélez, Carla Zaccagnini.

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In the past few years we have witnessed protests unfolding into serious unrest across many parts of the world. A er initial excitement at this

new global wave of voicing political demands, seasons change, and what was a novelty becomes a norm that lures many of us into the trap of trying to determine and de ne this previously undetermined phenomenon. Such engagements with current political upheavals can be termed agitations, an old philosophical term which denotes the extreme tension of the brain in its attempt to determine something perceived as previously undetermined—such as a sublime experience of nature. These agitations usually recast the sense of the human self accompanying all thinking into a clearly distinguishable entity, treating it as if it were something we could claim to really understand.


Agitationism, on the one hand, is the condition of living under a constant ow of agitations, including the ones that you inevitably sometimes produce yourself. However, it is also the process of ‘working through’

them with the aim of seeking adaptation to a logic situated somewhere else, surpassing the entrapment between past, present, and future—

three tenses that overlap in the contemporary moment, creating a kind

of palimpsest of half undone histories, half imagined futures, and a present of phantasms as a consequence.


EVA 2014, AGITATIONISM attempts to grasp the sense of living under agitation while capturing how we are slowly adapting to a di erent perception of the world by working through our relationships with historical ideologies, post-colonial narratives, other forms of life (animals for example), and speculations about the not-so-distant future.


AGITATIONISM, the 36th edition of EVA International, simulates the struggle between the tides that pull the present towards romanticisations, utopias, ideologies, and nostalgias; and the tides that attempt to push it beyond those limitations and towards an unknown, a desire and drive for something that remains too complex to determine today.

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